Are you tired of living with chronic symptoms and a lack of energy for life? Have you forgotten what feeling AMAZING on a daily basis is like?

Sally Fraser Wellness offers a variety of holistic services to help bring about positive change in your life. I believe everyone can create amazing wellness for themselves when they have the information and tools needed to guide them on their path. 

I invite you to work with me one-on-one, in a group setting, or choose a self-paced course.

Vibrant health doesn’t start with doctor visits -

it starts with YOU

One-on-One Sessions

Wellness Consult - A one time consultation where we will review your current situation and I will provide suggestions based on your desired goals. Great for someone who is simply looking to improve their current practices or someone with minor issues who feels they can confidently implement changes without additional support from me. - $60


Journey To Wellness - Dive deep into this three-month long program to learn about how dis-ease in the body begins, the problems inflammation can cause, and how YOU can naturally regain control of your health!

The Journey to Wellness Program starts with an initial meeting (in person/video chat) where we discuss YOU, your concerns, and what your wellness goals are. From there, every week you will have a new lesson and activity to focus on, each week building upon the next throughout the program. By the conclusion of your JOURNEY, you will feel empowered in knowing how to create a lifestyle that works uniquely for you. You will be confident in making wellness choices that lead you back to what life should feel like...AMAZING!

This program includes a 60 minute discovery session, personalized recommendations, and two 30 minute follow up sessions over the course of the program. The twelve week program guide, weekly email check-ins, and email/text support as needed is also included with the program. - $300


Do you feel something is holding you back from being the best version of yourself? Release it through energy work!

“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence.” – Deepak Chopra

Energetic Tuning - Supporting your energetic health is important in order to live to your fullest potential. Energetic blocks arise from uncleared emotions, traumas, and perceptual barriers, which originate in your energetic field. It is here where all life experiences are stored. These blocks not only prevent healing, but if left unresolved, over time these blocks can manifest in the physical body as illness, or dis-ease.

With this modality, I work on subtle anatomy - chakras, meridians, energetic timelines etc. I use intuitive guidance and specially tuned forks to locate and assist in clearing blocks from a person’s energetic field. The tuning allows movement to be restored within the field, creating harmony in place of blockage. This brings balance back to both the energetic and physical body, allowing you to live with ease, rather than dis-ease. In this 90 minute session you will be fully-clothed, reclining comfortably on a massage table. $100 - 90 minutes

*I offer a 15% discount on a package of 3. Recommended for optimal energetic shifts.


Sacred Soul Vibrations - Do you ever wish someone would tell you what you are meant to accomplish in this life? What lessons are you here to learn? What is your purpose during your time on Earth?  Would you like clues to recognize when you are out of balance with your true purpose?  Or do you wish your children came with instruction manuals, helping you to better understand them? Imagine the guidance you could provide your children if you were deeply aware of their strengths, as well as the challenges they must overcome. This is where understanding your Sacred Soul Vibrations is immensely useful.

By looking at your unique birth code, and learning what drives you at the core level, you can gain deeper insight into your soul’s true purpose. This allows you to walk with confidence on your path as you live with intention of purpose. You will also be able to recognize areas where you are living out of alignment with that purpose and be able to course-correct. This knowledge also helps you relate with more ease to those you share your life with.

Your unique Sacred Soul Vibrations report comes with a 30-minute consultation (in person or Zoom). $60

*You may add additional family member reports for $50 each. We can discuss them (up to 4 people) in one 60 minute consultation to understand the dynamics of all the individuals and how they relate to each other.

Self-paced Courses

Does the idea of self-paced learning, done on your time, in the comfort of your own home sound appealing to you? If you excel in personal accountability and enjoy learning on your own, the following courses are perfect for you! Of course, if you have questions about anything during the coursework you are welcome to get in touch with me! I’m happy to help!

Another option - gather a group of friends, family, or co-workers and learn together!  I can offer weekly meetings to supplement the online learning for your group. Contact me at

Consciously Creating Wellness - A self paced course consisting of seven modules that will lead you through the process of Consciously Creating Wellness. This course teaches you the power you hold in creating your life, leading you along the path towards personal responsibility and self-transformation. All aspects of holistic wellness are covered in this program. This is a great starting point if you are ready to take charge of your wellness and create the life you desire! - $85

Click here to access Consciously Creating Wellness!


Small Changes, Big Shifts Challenge! - A self-paced course consisting of four modules. This course is a perfect exploratory path for those who are looking to create positive change in their life, taking manageable steps towards transformational shifts. You will finish this challenge with greater confidence in your ability to create what you desire in life. - $60

*This class can be offered with an in-person option, email for details.