

Susan B.

I started Sally’s Journey to Wellness Program in March. I feel much brighter, no brain fog and I’ve lost 18 lbs in 12 weeks! I have successfully come off all my medications since May (Ropinirole, metformin & sertraline). I will continue eating healthily as you have taught me, it really works, making me feel good and enjoying life!

Kim R.

I spent the past year with significant joint pain. It had begun the previous summer, first in the knees, then in the hips. I was having a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning, climbing stairs, and getting up out of chairs after sitting. My work requires me to be on my feet all day. I was coming home from work and having to lie down because of the pain. I had to give up running and then even daily walks as even my feet were in constant pain. Additionally, I had been diagnosed with psoriasis several years prior. I had constant peeling and cracking skin on the soles of my feet for years.

Early this spring, I met with Sally and began her program. I am so happy to report that I am now joint pain-free, and my psoriasis has completely cleared up! Sally has been a great support and sent me extra information that really helped to educate me further in nutritional healing. I am so thankful for my renewed energy and freedom from pain!

I highly recommend using Sally as a health coach. I am feeling great and running strong again!

Donna D.

If you are seeking guidance concerning health and wellness then look no further, you’ve hit the jackpot with Sally Fraser! Her positive encouragement, incredible knowledge, and enthusiasm are just a few of this woman’s attributes. Sally invests her time and energy into helping others. Dipping into her wealth of knowledge, she strives to teach the value of how a healthy lifestyle of eating whole foods, taking care of yourself, and filling your time with positive activities and people can lead to a bright future with a healthy body and mind.

Sally has helped me so much on my journey. Of course, I thought I’d be eating tree bark and berries when I first started (lol) but wow, was I amazed. With her guidance, I have been able to lose 50 lbs., get off most of my medications and I feel GREAT! Encouragement – Did I mention she’s the most positive and encouraging person I know? The amount of information and tips that Sally has will blow your mind, and if she doesn’t have an answer for you right away, she’ll find the best answer as quickly as she can! If you are in need of a positive life change that will last, I encourage you to seek guidance from her. The wisdom she imparts will help you plan and achieve goals you never thought were possible. She helped me gain a new sense of confidence and enthusiasm for life that others have noticed. Let your journey begin!

Energetic Tuning

Kym T.

“I thought it was amazing! I woke up feeling great the next day, ... I think it’s pretty incredible!” 

Olga K.

Sally identified my unbalanced chakras in the body with the tuning forks.

Something came up and we were concentrating on my liver. When I was feeling and observing my liver, it felt shrunk as if it was getting ready for an impact. Lots of emotions came through me and Sally was very supportive and encouraging in holding that space for me. She guided me and asked questions so I can release and be aware of associated emotions with that period of my life. After that my liver felt normal. 

As Sally was working on my root chakra, she correctly identified ages in my earlier years and associated emotions/feelings that she heard/intuited by the sound of forks. 

I definitely felt lots of shifts in my body. After the liver release, I felt freezing and hungry, even though the heat was on and I had a blanket over me. 

I loved Sally’s supportive and gentle energy. I was amazed at her skills to hear and identify the sound/vibration of the tuning forks so precisely. I can’t wait for another session! Thank you!

Sacred Soul Vibrations

Paul L.

It’s all in the numbers. They tell a story we cannot see.  Our numbers are guiding us from the moment we’re born. 

When I read my numbers, my Life’s purpose and path immediately came into view. 

It was so clear that I had to have Sally outline the numbers for my family members. We could have anonymized the results and read each person’s description, yet everyone would immediately have recognized their loved ones in those profiles. The Soul Vibration reports explained why each of us is here, and why we’re here together.

Sandra A.

Sally's Sacred Soul Vibration report is incredible!! I've had the honor to work with Sally for a few months now and she's such a beautiful soul with astonishing spiritual skills. You can tell just by being around Sally (and if only energetically), how in tune she is and what blissful energy she sends out into the world. I had done a great Soul Realignment before and Sally did not only provide similar and trustful information but added even more interesting details.

The report was comprehensive and filled with all the positive energy. It'll tell you everything you always wanted to know about your soul! I had a lot of joy reading through the report and it still helps me to live more in accordance with my soul's purpose every day.

I'm more than grateful to know Sally and for her amazing work. I recommend her Soul Vibration service!! 

Anya Q.

My two favorite parts about the report are understanding how to be aligned with my Life Path number and Sally's personal insight! If you or your children were to ever get out of balance, or unaligned along the journey of life, then this report outlines what to look for and how to get back whole. I loved mine so much I got my kids' report too. It brought our family dynamic into a more synergistic view. As a single Mom, my first priority is myself but a close second to that is my kids’ overall well-being. Doing this report early on in my kids' lives means I can be better prepared to help them navigate their lives. I love that some of what I read was validating in my mind, as a Mother, and some of it was brand new interesting concepts ( mind blown). Just simply a great tool to get to know yourself and others better. But the way she pulls it all together as the family dynamic was priceless to me. Thank you Sally for such depth and clarity. Coming from a beautiful, wholesome person like you, I receive it all! You're wonderful!